Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Selling stuff on Craig's List


As the countdown gets closer and more and more things still need to be done Kristyn and I went ahead and put our furniture on Craigs List, even though we still have 8 weeks before we completely move out of our apt. Our rational… our stuff isn’t that good and it is going to take some time to sell it all.
So on Sunday we took pictures and wrote up catchy little descriptions using all the familiar words that we have all heard before; the hutch is “gently used” the couches are “mocha” not brown and the bookshelves are stained a nice “cherry” color. I thought people would see right through our dazzling vocabulary and just pass over our stuff. Boy was I wrong.
We posted the stuff at 4:00p.m. on Sunday. By 8:00 the next morning we had some 25-30 e-mails of people wanting to come and look it over or buy it straight away. We sold our couches (which I bought from Alan Jacob/Whitworth for like $30.00) at 6:30 p.m. on Monday; one day after we posted for $150, how crazy is that. We have other people coming in tonight to look at the rest of our stuff, so things are looking good.
The bad part is this. We have another 8 weeks to go and we don’t have furniture in our living room. It is going to be a long couple of weeks, but at least we have more space to pack things up, right?

Friday, July 10, 2009

Getting Ready

The tickets have been purchased! On September 8, 2009 Kristyn and i will be taking off from
Chicago and heading over to Dublin. The plan from there is to take a day or two and explore as much as we can in Dublin and then grab another flight into Madrid. Now that we have the tickets it definitely feels more real. With that comes feeling of shock (what the heck are we doing) and feeling of excitement (this is going to be awesome). I am guessing that once we land I will be somewhere in between.

Now Kristyn and i are in the midst of packing up the apartment and getting ready to take some of our stuff back to Mansfield to store it with the parents. It is easy to forget just how much stuff you can cram into one little apartment, but as we begin to pull things out I can't help but wonder where it all came from. Our hope is that this move will really help us downsize and live a bit simpler when we come back to the states. or should i say...if we come back to the states!

Next week we will post our furniture on Craig's list. So if your in the market for a gently used sofa and books shelves give us a call! If that doesn't work I think we will end up donating the stuff to a local charity or something like that. I just want to get it out of the apartment so that we don't have to think about it any more. That is my answer to everything, out of sight out of mind.

Well that is it for now. its time to buckle up, because we are actually doing this!