Friday, September 11, 2009

We made it!!!

Hello everyone,

I just wanted you all to know that we did indeed make it to our apt. in Madrid and are currently figuring stuff out. Like where to get groceries, where to take the trash to when we need to get rid of it and all other sorts of stuff you just take for granted when you are in the States. As Kristyn and i were walking around yesterday with our friend Andy taking in all the sites I made a comment that is still very true and i am sure will be for some time. "I said it was hard being illiterate!" I guess that is the way it feels for both of us right now. Not knowing what anyone is saying or being able to read the signs does present is challenges. But at the same time we are having fun figuring things out and learning a new system.

I am sure i will write more about our trip getting here and our stop over in Dublin later. But for now rest assured...we did actually make it and we have our job interviews this next week. I hope it all goes well!


  1. Hey Brother & Sista,
    So glad to hear the good news! We're excited for you...and feeling for you with the culture shock/language frustrations. We will keep lifting you up! Love the blog...keep it coming!
    Love Ya,
    Sister Laura

  2. Glad to hear you made it in safely and are getting settled. Good luck figureing things out. I'm sure it will create many interesting adventures.
    Love you both.
